Hey Ho! Finally we can release the new Album of the beautiful FOOTPRINT PROJECT today! Since we are taking care of this vibrant 10 piece band from Berlin as a Bookingagency since several years, we now also release their new Album GARDEN OF OPINIOS which comes with a very fine […]
Yearly Archives: 2022
Following the release of her beautiful single LUISA in January today we finally release the complete new Album of Aline Frazao. UMA MUSICA ANGOLANA. It is an overall piece of art and Aline was beside all her music also in charge of the production. And this was a very wise […]
We were waiting 6 Years since the last soloalbum of Mohammad Reza Mortazavi and today is the day! His new album “PRISMA” comes with a new concept. For the first time he adds towards his symphonic percussion on Tombak and Daf multiple layers of other acousticly produced sounds. From different […]
We are very proud to release today the first album of Tills Tagtrauma, called LIEBE WAHRHEIT. This is the new project of two very old friends from deep south, the Allgäu! Till Nißle and Tobi Hieber have been working with flowfish.records for many years as one of the first and […]
We are very happy to welcome one of our most loved artists in the flowfish family. Aline Frazao will release her new Album “Uma Musica Angolana” on 3rd of March with flowfish.records!Today there is already the first single “Luisa” out for all of you!Enjoy… >>>Aline Frazao: “LUISA” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YEA-nWA-WU